25. september 2008

Gode tips før akupunkturbehandling på hund

Jeg leste i dag på dette forumet en del gode tips vedr. akupunktur på hund:

Her står blant annet under Acupuncture and Vet science:
I have had experience in acupuncturing dogs, cats and horses. As you have three dogs you must separate the dog you are treating from the others, otherwise you will have problems with the other dogs distracting your patient or even accidentally hurting him/her.

To get your dog to be calm, make sure they are on their fave blanket or pillow and lying in a position so that the side you want to treat is exposed. Start by massaging your pet between the eyes stroking upwards and stroking in one continuous movement to the tip of of the ears. Gently stroke the tips of the ears a bit longer in circular motions, this has a wonderful calming effect and by stroking between the eyes you are effectively using acupressure on yintang to calm their mind. Do this for 3-5 mins, longer if you have a young , excitable dog. What should happen is that their head is lowered and they may start to groan in pleasure, drool or fall asleep.

Now you can acupuncture, be very aware of veins and tendons on the legs. Start with the body and head. Use japanese needles on small dogs and dogs in pain as theyare hypersensitive. You may want to tie red cotton to the ends of the needle so it doesn't get lost on hairy dogs, always keep record of how many needles you've used. Acupuncture has a great effect and often instant on dogs depending on whether it is an acute or chronic condition. Arthritis in dogs especially around the hips is very common and acupuncture has a wonderful pain relieving effect and strengthening. Keep the needles in for 10 mins, to stop a young dog from moving keep stroking tips of ears. Old dogs are fine they usually just lie there, cats should be purring with their eyes closed if not stroke under their chin. Horses are another story....

Hope this helps you,

Karen Henry

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